How did this yarn get in my stash?
I am a bit disappointed because I started to wind the Barefoot and realized that it has several snags and flaws necessitating a trip back to the snooty store. Blech
However, the best part was the pocket scale that I found. There is a place here that sells all sorts of odd things, mostly science related. They had a scale that was great, but was way more than I wanted to spend. The kid behind the counter referred me to a place I had never heard of saying that they also had scales.
When I pulled in the lot, I had to laugh at the kid and myself. Gamely, I made my way through the parking lot. I opened the door to the store and was hit with the invisible wall of incense. You know the one. The one you once thought disguised the smell of other things. Once my eyes adjusted to the lower light levels, I could see the physical wall of incense and the knowledge that I was in a head shop was undeniable. I also realized that any place like that which sells scales accurate to 0.1 gm is not selling it for legal purposes. It completely made my day to know that I was probably their only customer this year who was not planning on using the scale for street drugs!
The tank is progressing, waist shaping is done on the back. I am very happy with how it looks so far. Because
the knitting gods may strike me down of the potential yarn shortage I started the front even though I am only about half way through the back. I am beginning to think that I might just make it, but I am sure that even thinking that will draw the wrath of the gods.
Just to keep me on my toes, the other night I found this. I couldn't live with the split stitch so I dropped it down and fixed it. Sorry, no pics of the repair in progress.
I was at the snooty yarn shop also this week! I bought some yarn, but it was chunky and I needed worsted. So I bring it back and the big fat chick says "We'll just swap them okay?" Then I look and there's a .75 price difference to MY favor! I tell her....No, no, no.......return this and credit me the difference. I HATE GOING THERE!
It never ceases to amaze me how SOME yarn stores are soooo unfriendly. I mean knitters ARE generally the most friendliest of people but yarn store owners and workers.......!!!!
I love your scales, yeah we believe you that you bought them for yarn purposes ;)
Uh huh... yeah... suuure.
Just don't go smoking any hemp yarn and we won't tell anybody ;-)
That is so funny about the scale. I did the same thing and got one from that same exact type of store, but mine wasn't as nice as yours.
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